The year 2009, for the stock market investors will be a year different from 2008. This New Year 2009 is expected to be a year with two unique trends. The first trend deals with consolidation during the first half and the second trend is about building on that consolidation.
The year 2009, for the stock market investors will be a year different from 2008. This New Year 2009 is expected to be a year with two unique trends. The first trend deals with consolidation during the first half and the second trend is about building on that consolidation. The market has gone through a dramatic connection in the previous year
( 2008). Hence, no major correction is expected in this year. The first half of the year 2009 will consist of a phase of adjustment. Once that period of adjustment gets over, the stock market is then expected to start looking up from the second half onwards.
It’s a usual trend for a market to turn about six months ahead of the actual economy. At times, it may also take about nine months. But one can expect the markets to turn in the second half of 2009.One of the main reason for the recovery to happen is because of the Lok Sabha elections which will take place by April 2009. In India, general elections are often associated with some amount of uncertainty with inherent downside risks. Investors including foreign fund managers would like to be away from uncertainty. Once the new government is in place, one can then expect recovery to take place while the world is dealing with the recession, India deals with a slow down. The year 2009 would put the
Indian market in a different league than most of the other popular investment destinations that is available.
This is excellent advice and great story…