I was thinking to get fresh new look to this blog for quite some time. I was working passively on it for quite some time and finally decided to get it live yesterday. I would love to hear your feedback on the new design.
I was thinking to get fresh new look to this blog for quite some time. I was working passively on it for quite some time and finally decided to get it live yesterday. I would love to hear your feedback on the new design. Apart from that if you see any other broken images or other things do let me know.
For those you have not seen the old design you can refer the screenshots below
Eagerly waiting for your feedback and as always you can speak your heart out about it in comments below.
The new look of the blog is great. It looks much clean and less stress on the eyes. More than the look, I would like to see atleast one article every week. I believe that is the intent of your blog. Just keep blogging, the look is great.
Thanks for the feedback and you are right Mansoor, the blogging frequency is around one per week
Well, Thesis always looks and works gr8! 😉
Very true and that is the only reason I had all my blog in Thesis and now converted this one into Thesis as well.
Design does not look a lot different from the old design but it now looks much cleaner and less cluttered.
Thanks for the feedback Kartik and yes the aim was not to make the design look very different because I liked the way things were layout in the previous theme as well.